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TongWeb Server Configuration Instructions

Version: TongWeb7.0.4.9_Enterprise_Linux

TongWeb Server can be used as a container for HENGSHI components. The Metadb, Engine, redis, minio, and flink components used internally by HENGSHI services need to be prepared by the user, and the relevant configurations will be completed in the configuration items later.

Pre-Deployment Preparation

  1. Prepare the Metadb, Engine, redis, minio, and flink service components, and obtain the HENGSHI deployment War package file resources.

  2. Prepare the Java Runtime Environment

  3. Configure the tongweb jvm HENGSHI internal component configuration information Refer to the actual service address configuration for the information in this diagram.

# Deployment application prefix

# Metadb connection information
# Syslog log database connection information

# Engine configuration information

# redis configuration connection information

# minio service configuration

# Flink configuration connection information

# Screenshot service component
  1. After correctly configuring the jvm parameters, restart the TongWeb server to apply the configuration parameters.

Deployment Start

  1. Select Application Management -> Deploy Application

  2. Select the prepared war package file, upload it to the web service, and click Start Deployment

  3. Set the Application Prefix deployment option to /

Please note

If a specific application prefix is required for deployment, please modify the CONTEXT_PATH parameter in the Pre-Deployment Preparation > Configure tongweb jvm HENGSHI internal component configuration information step to match the set application prefix.

  1. After successful deployment, you can access the service interface via http access

  2. After deployment, start and stop operations can be performed via buttons in the interface

Version Upgrade and Rollback Instructions

For the HENGSHI service deployed by TongWeb Server, since it uses an external metadb component service, please back up the metadb database before upgrading to prevent the need for version rollback. For data backup and recovery, refer to Backup and Restore in Standalone/Cluster Environment

HENGSHI SENSE Platform User Manual