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Replace HENGSHI Minio

During the use of HENGSHI SENSE services, you can replace the HENGSHI-provided Minio according to business needs. This article describes the process of using Aws S3 and Aliyun OSS to replace HENGSHI Minio.


Before configuring, please complete the following preparations in aws s3 or aliyun oss.

  1. Create access_key and secret_access_key

    AWS operation reference: Managing IAM User Access Keys

    Aliyun operation reference: Access Control/Create AccessKey

  2. Configure access_key and secret_access_key permissions to access the Bucket used by HENGSHI

    AWS configuration reference: Example Policies Based on Amazon S3 Identity

    Aliyun configuration reference: Common Bucket Policy Examples

  3. endpoint (Access Domain)

    AWS access domain reference: Endpoints and ARNs (China)

    AWS access domain reference: Endpoints and ARNs (Global)

    Aliyun access domain reference: OSS Access Domain and Data Center

Standalone Deployment: Modify the following configuration items in the file ${HS_HOME}/conf/

export MINIO_ROOT_USER=[access_key]
export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=[secret_access_key]
export MINIO_SERVER_HOST=[endpoint]
export MINIO_SERVER_PORT=[endpoint_port] # endpoint is http protocol fill in 80 https fill in 443
export OBJECT_REGION_CODE=[region_code]
export OBJECT_ROOT_BUCKET_NAME=[bucket_name]

Docker Deployment: Modify the following configuration items in the file .env under the same directory as docker-compose.yml

MINIO_SERVER_PORT=[endpoint_port] # endpoint is http protocol fill in 80 https fill in 443

Cluster Deployment: Modify the following configuration items in the file ${HS_HOME}/ansible/vars.yml

#------- hengshi_config will overwrite the 'deperacated' vars above ----------
- export HS_HENGSHI_PORT=8081
- export HS_PG_PORT=54320
- export MINIO_ROOT_USER=[access_key]
- export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=[secret_access_key]
- export MINIO_SERVER_HOST=[endpoint]
- export MINIO_SERVER_PORT=[endpoint_port] # endpoint is http protocol fill in 80 https fill in 443
- export OBJECT_REGION_CODE=[region_code]
- export OBJECT_ROOT_BUCKET_NAME=[bucket_name]

K8s Deployment: Modify the following configuration items in the configmap of hengshi-sense under the namespace of hengshi

  MINIO_ROOT_USER: "[access_key]"
  MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD: "[secret_access_key]"
  MINIO_SERVER_HOST: "[endpoint]"
  MINIO_SERVER_PORT: "[endpoint_port]" # endpoint is http protocol fill in 80 https fill in 443
  OBJECT_REGION_CODE: "[region_code]"
  OBJECT_ROOT_BUCKET_NAME: "[bucket_name]"

Note: After modifying the parameters, you need to restart HENGSHI SENSE for the changes to take effect.

HENGSHI SENSE Platform User Manual