Cluster Installation
This article describes the process of installing HENGSHI SENSE in a cluster environment.
Before installation, please confirm the network environment. If it is an isolated environment and cannot connect to the internet, please first follow the instructions in Offline Environment Dependency Installation to install the dependencies, and then continue with the instructions in this article. If the network environment can connect to the internet, please proceed directly with the installation as guided in this article.
Please complete the following preparations before the integrated installation.
Environment Preparation
Please follow these steps to prepare the environment.
- First, refer to the Installation Environment document to prepare the installation environment.
- Please ensure that the installation device meets the following conditions.
- The sudo command is installed on each device.
- A running user with passwordless ssh login is established on each device.
- The running user on each device is configured with passwordless sudo permissions.
- Each device has a different hostname.
- Firewall port restrictions between devices are open, and they are interconnected within the internal network.
- Ensure that the machine currently executing the cluster installation has ansible installed.
If you have completed the environment setup in Steps 1 and 2, please ignore the following prompt and proceed directly to Configure Users and Installation Directory to continue the installation. If you are unsure how to configure the conditions in Step 2, you can refer to the following prompt for setup.
- Install the
command. This command needs to be executed under the root user.shellyum install -y sudo
- Create an execution user on each device. In this example, the user
is used. This operation needs to be executed under the root user.shelluseradd -m hengshi passwd hengshi # Set the login password for hengshi
- Set passwordless sudo permissions for the execution user. This operation needs to be executed under the root user.shellEnter the following and save and exit
shellhengshi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
- Each device has a different hostname. If there are identical hostnames, such as
, they need to be set. Directly edit the hostname file to modify it.shellsudo vim /etc/hostname
- Each machine can communicate using the hostname. Edit the
file, and if there is local IP information like127.0.0.1
, delete it and restart the server.shella.b.c.d1 Node-A a.b.c.d2 Node-B a.b.c.d3 Node-C
- Configure the running user to ensure passwordless ssh login on each machine. Assume the cluster consists of three machines: Node-A, Node-B, Node-C, and the user
runs on each machine.- Enter the
password as prompted - Enter
when prompted with the following message: "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" - Execute the
operation for the local machine IP, such as on Node-A, executessh-copy-id hengshi@Node-A
shelltest -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa || { yes "" | ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -P ''; } ssh-copy-id hengshi@localhost ssh-copy-id hengshi@ ssh-copy-id hengshi@Node-A ssh-copy-id hengshi@Node-B ssh-copy-id hengshi@Node-C
- Enter the
- Install
on the machine where the installation and deployment are executed.shellsudo yum install -y epel-release sudo yum install -y ansible
Configure Users and Installation Directory
Please perform the following operations under sudo or root privileges.
The example demonstrates how to configure users and installation directories on a cluster, with the username set to hengshi and the installation directory set to /opt/hengshi. The three nodes are Node-A, Node-B, and Node-C. Users perform the following operations on different nodes.
for x in Node-A Node-B Node-C; do
ssh $x "grep hengshi /etc/passwd > /dev/null || sudo useradd -m hengshi"
# Create hengshi user, set installation directory and permissions
ssh $x "sudo mkdir -p /opt/hengshi && sudo chown hengshi:hengshi /opt/hengshi"
SSH Login Confirmation
If there are three machines, Node-A, Node-B, and Node-C, execute the following code to confirm login.
nodes=(Node-A Node-B Node-C)
for host in ${nodes[@]}; do
ssh $host "for x in ${nodes[@]}; do ssh-keygen -R \$x; ssh-keyscan -H \$x >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts; done"
sshd Listening on Non-22 Port on Server
The machines involved in the installation include the local machine and the machines configured in the HS_ENGINE_SEGMENTS variable. If there are non-ssh 22 port situations, you need to configure the actual ports for each host in the deployment user's ~/.ssh/config.
The local machine needs to configure the port for the domain name returned by the localhost
and hostname
For example: The hostname of the local machine is configured as localhost, and HS_ENGINE_SEGMENTS=(Node-A Node-B Node-C), with corresponding listening ports all set to 122.
The following configuration needs to be included in the .ssh/config file and synchronized to the .ssh/config on each machine.
Host localhost
Port 122
Host Node-A
Port 122
Host Node-B
Port 122
Host Node-C
Port 122
Set Cluster Information
Set up cluster information on the machine where the deployment command needs to be executed.
Create the cluster configuration directory. It is recommended that this directory be at the same level as the installation package extraction directory for easy reuse of configurations during upgrades. You can refer to the example below, where the installation package extraction directory is hengshi-sense-[version].
shellmkdir hengshi-sense-[version]/../cluster-conf cd hengshi-sense-[version] cp ansible/hosts.sample ../cluster-conf/hosts cp ansible/vars.yml.sample ../cluster-conf/vars.yml
Configure hosts. Follow the instructions in the example.
[metadb] #Internal meta database Node-A #[metaslave] #metadb database slave (optional) can be used as a standby in case the master goes down #Node-B [engine] #Specify one as master Node-A master=true Node-B Node-C #Note that the number of doris-fe needs to be configured as an odd number [doris-fe] #It is recommended to use IP information for configuration, hostname configuration may cause startup failure Node-A master=true Node-B Node-C [doris-be] #It is recommended to use IP information for configuration, hostname configuration may cause startup failure Node-A Node-B Node-C [minio] Node-A [gateway] Node-A [zookeeper] #Ensure that the zkid between machines is unique #Note that only three nodes need to be configured (1, 2, or 4 nodes are not allowed) Node-A zkid=1 Node-B zkid=2 Node-C zkid=3 [redis] Node-A [flink] Node-A [hengshi] Node-A Node-B Node-C
Configure vars.yaml. Configure vars.yaml according to the instructions in the example below.
yamltemp_work_dir_root: "/tmp" #Temporary directory, generally does not need to be changed install_path: "/opt/hengshi" #Installation target directory gateway_port: 8080 hengshi_sense_port: 8081 metadb_port: 54320 zookeeper_client_port: 2181 engine_master_port: 15432 engine_segment_base_port: 25432
Follow the instructions below to complete the installation process.
- Set the environment variable
export ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK="ansible-playbook -v"
- Switch to the user executing the installation, the example user name is
sudo su - hengshi
- Navigate to the target directory where the installation package is
cd ~/pkgs/hengshi-sense-[version]
- Execute the cluster installation command.shellThe installation process will display prompt messages. When the status of each node is [unreachable=0,failed=0], the installation is successful.
./hs_install -m cluster -c ../cluster-conf # Execute cluster installation
shellPLAY RECAP **************************************************************** Node-A : ok=18 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0 Node-B : ok=18 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0 Node-C : ok=18 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0
System Configuration
Before starting the service, please read the Configuration File to set up the relevant configurations. If the built-in engine type requires Doris, please read the Doris Engine Configuration.
Start Service
Please follow these steps to start the service.
Initialize the OS.
During initialization, please check that the executing user has sudo privileges, and the sudo privileges can be turned off after initialization is complete. Enter the executing user, navigate to the installation directory, and execute the OS initialization command. You can refer to the following example, where the executing user is hengshi and the installation directory is /opt/hengshi.
shellsudo su - hengshi cd /opt/hengshi bin/hengshi-sense-bin init-os all # Initialize OS
Check the prompt messages, and when the status of each node shows [unreachable=0,failed=0], it indicates that the OS initialization is successful.
shTASK [deploy : init-os kernel] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [Node-A] changed: [Node-B] changed: [Node-C] TASK [deploy : init-os deps] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [Node-A] changed: [Node-B] changed: [Node-C] PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Node-A : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Node-B : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Node-C : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Enter the executing user, navigate to the installation directory, and execute the HENGSHI SENSE initialization command. You can refer to the following example, where the executing user is hengshi and the installation directory is /opt/hengshi.
shsudo su - hengshi cd /opt/hengshi bin/hengshi-sense-bin init all # Initialize HENGSHI SENSE
Check the prompt messages, and when the status of each node shows [unreachable=0 failed=0], it indicates that the HENGSHI SENSE initialization is successful.
shTASK [operations : metadb init] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* skipping: [Node-A] skipping: [Node-B] skipping: [Node-C] TASK [operations : engine init] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* skipping: [Node-A] skipping: [Node-B] skipping: [Node-C] PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Node-A : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0 Node-B : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0 Node-C : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0
Start the service before entering the license. Before entering the license, the system does not support multi-machine operation. You need to start the service of an instance first (e.g., Node-A), and then start the services of all instances after updating the license.
shellcd /opt/hengshi bin/hengshi-sense-bin start metadb bin/hengshi-sense-bin start engine bin/hengshi-sense-bin start zookeeper bin/hengshi-sense-bin start minio bin/hengshi-sense-bin start redis bin/hengshi-sense-bin start flink ansible-playbook ansible/site.yml -i ansible/hosts --tags start-hengshi -e "target=hengshi" --limit "Node-A";
Refer to Software License to enter the license.
After successful authorization, start HENGSHI SENSE normally.
Enter the executing user, navigate to the installation directory, and execute the HENGSHI SENSE startup command. Please refer to the following example, where the executing user is hengshi and the installation directory is /opt/hengshi.
shsudo su - hengshi cd /opt/hengshi # Enter the installation target directory bin/hengshi-sense-bin restart hengshi # Restart the hengshi service
Check the prompt messages, and when the status of each node shows [unreachable=0 failed=0], it indicates that the HENGSHI SENSE startup is successful.
shPLAY RECAP *********************************************************************** Node-A : ok=4 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0 Node-B : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=3 rescued=0 ignored=0 Node-C : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=3 rescued=0 ignored=0
You can access the service address through a browser to use the HENGSHI SENSE service. If you cannot access it, please check if the service port HS_HENGSHI_PORT in the configuration file conf/ is open to the public.
Operations After Starting the Service
When HENGSHI SENSE service is running, it is necessary to regularly back up data to prevent data loss and promptly clean up unnecessary logs to free up storage space.
Schedule Data Backup.
It is recommended to back up the database metadb daily, which can be backed up to local devices or remote devices. Scheduled backups are recommended to be performed during off-peak business hours, such as early morning, to avoid affecting user service usage. The following example is the execution command to back up data to a remote device at midnight every day. For detailed parameter explanations, please refer to Data Backup.
sh0 0 * * * /opt/hengshi/bin/ -m metadb -l /BACKUP/PATH -h $REMOTE_IP -r /BACKUP/PATH
Schedule Log Cleanup.
During operation, HENGSHI SENSE generates runtime logs, which need to be cleaned up regularly to free up storage space. The following example is the command to clean up rolling logs of the internal database daily.
sh0 0 * * * /opt/hengshi/bin/ -t -r -c -g -p */5 * * * * /opt/hengshi/bin/ -l
Port Opening Considerations in Public Networks.
In public network environments, avoid exposing the entire HENGSHI SENSE service port in non-essential scenarios to prevent attacks due to component issues. In special cases, the web service port can be accessed via IP+port.
Stop Service
Stop the cluster service with the following command.
bin/hengshi-sense-bin stop all
When the status of each node in the prompt message is [unreachable=0 failed=0], it indicates that the service has been successfully stopped.
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************
Node-A : ok=18 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0
Node-B : ok=18 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0
Node-C : ok=18 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=2 rescued=0 ignored=0
Check Service Running Status
When executing the following command, you can view the service running status.
bin/hengshi-sense-bin status all
In the display information, you can view the running information of HENGSHI modules such as metadb, engine, zookeeper, gateway, minio, redis, and flink. Among them, "IS ACTIVE" indicates that the corresponding module is running, "NOT ACTIVE" indicates that the corresponding module has stopped, and "skipping" indicates that the node does not have the corresponding module installed.
TASK [operations : metadb status msg] ******************************************************************************************
ok: [Node-A] => {
"msg": [
"[metadb]: NOT ACTIVE"
skipping: [Node-B]
skipping: [Node-C]
TASK [operations : engine status msg] ******************************************************************************************
ok: [Node-B] => {
"msg": [
"[engine]: NOT ACTIVE"
TASK [operations : zookeeper status msg] ***************************************************************************************
ok: [Node-A] => {
"msg": [
"[zookeeper]: NOT ACTIVE"
ok: [Node-B] => {
"msg": [
"[zookeeper]: NOT ACTIVE"
ok: [Node-C] => {
"msg": [
"[zookeeper]: NOT ACTIVE"
TASK [operations : gateway status msg] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [Node-A] => {
"msg": [
"[gateway]: NOT ACTIVE"
skipping: [Node-B]
skipping: [Node-C]
TASK [operations : hengshi sense status msg] **********************************************************************************
ok: [Node-A] => {
"msg": [
"[syslog]: NOT ACTIVE",
"[hengshi]: NOT ACTIVE",
"[watchdog]: NOT ACTIVE"
ok: [Node-B] => {
"msg": [
"[syslog]: NOT ACTIVE",
"[hengshi]: NOT ACTIVE",
"[watchdog]: NOT ACTIVE"
skipping: [Node-C]
TASK [operations : redis status msg] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [Node-A] => {
"msg": [
"[redis]: NOT ACTIVE"
skipping: [Node-B]
skipping: [Node-C]
TASK [operations : minio status msg] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [Node-A] => {
"msg": [
"[minio]: NOT ACTIVE"
skipping: [Node-B]
skipping: [Node-C]
TASK [operations : flink status msg] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [Node-A] => {
"msg": [
"[flink]: NOT ACTIVE"
skipping: [Node-B]
skipping: [Node-C]