Installation Issues
Can the server hostname be modified after installation?
The server hostname cannot be changed after installation. If you need to change it, please contact technical support for migration operations.
Insufficient Disk Space
[2023-05-06.11:19:13.150][hs_install:68][ ERROR ]: /opt/hengshi capacity is less than 10G, abort installation! Please check the disk or use larger disk
The cause of this issue is insufficient disk space. After clearing disk space or increasing disk capacity, continue with the installation or upgrade process.
Using External metadb or External Engine
IS ACTIVE! : [metadb] @
NOT ACTIVE! : [engine] @
NOT ACTIVE! : [minio] minio server /opt/hengshi/minio-data
NOT ACTIVE! : [redis] redis-server .*:6379
NOT ACTIVE! : [flink] /opt/hengshi/lib/flink
NOT ACTIVE! : [syslog] syslog-ng --no-caps --module-path=/opt/hengshi/lib/syslog-ng/lib/syslog-ng -f /opt/hengshi/conf/syslog-ng.conf -p /opt/hengshi/logs/syslog-ng.pid -R /opt/hengshi/logs/syslog-ng.persist -c /opt/hengshi/logs/syslog-ng.ctl
NOT ACTIVE! : [hengshi] jar /opt/hengshi/lib/bootstrap-4.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
NOT ACTIVE! : [monit] /opt/hengshi/lib/monit/bin/monit -c /opt/hengshi/lib/monit/conf/monitrc
[2023-05-06.11:21:14.303][hs_install:128][ ERROR ]: /opt/hengshi has instance running! STOP ALL instance first!
Using external metadb or engine, the hengshi script cannot control the status of external services. You can control it through parameters, skipping external component status checks during installation or upgrade.
./hs_install -p /opt/hengshi/ -e [all|metadb|engine] ## Use 'all' when using both external metadb and engine
init-os Initialization Failed, User Lacks Sudo Privileges
[2023-05-06.11:31:19.337][hengshi@cluster1][hengshi-sense-bin:599][ INFO ]: internal pg metastore 10.10.10.xxx:54320
sudo: a password is required
INIT FAIL! : [dependent packages]
Add sudo privileges to the deployment user
# Use a user with sudo privileges or the root user
echo "hengshi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
init engine failed, reinitialization operation
INIT FAIL! : [engine] /opt/hengshi/engine-cluster
After the engine initialization fails, troubleshoot the cause of the failure and reinitialize the operation
cd /opt/hengshi
bin/hengshi-sense-bin stop engine
rm engine-cluster -rf
bin/hengshi-sense-bin init engine
Ubuntu 18.04 init engine failed
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython2.7.so.1.0 not found
The default environment in Ubuntu 18.04 may not have the necessary dependencies for python2.7 installed. Install the relevant dependencies and re-run the initialization operation.
sudo apt install -y libpython2.7