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Integration via ReactJS SDK

The ReactJS SDK allows you to easily integrate visualization features into your existing chat application.

Quick Start

Installation and Integration

Since the ReactJS SDK does not provide an npm package, please contact for assistance.

Example Directory Structure:

<Your Project>/
├── src/
|   ├── hengshi/   <-- For example, place the SDK here within your project source code
│   ├── index.ejs
│   └── index.js
└── package.json

Example index.js:

import React from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";

import Completion from "./hengshi/ai";

function ReactApp() {
  const chat = {
    "meta": "refineQuestion,answer,chart,chartConfig",
    "conversationId": 226,
    "uid": "00747081-9cc3-4c7c-b3de-735244498fd6",
    "prompt": "Module distribution of bug issues",
    "answer": "The distribution of bug issues across modules is relatively even. The module with the most bugs has 4, while most other modules have 2-3 bugs.",
    "refineQuestion": "Please provide the distribution of bug issues across modules",
    "charts": [
        "appId": 134683,
        "datasetId": 1,
        "options": {
          "axes": [
              "op": "{{41}}.{title}",
              "uid": "uid1",
              "kind": "formula"
              "op": "count({{33}}.{issue_id})",
              "uid": "uid2",
              "kind": "formula"
          "limit": 100

  return <Completion {} />;

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
root.render(<ReactApp />);

The rendered result is shown below:


Shadow DOM Description

To prevent style conflicts, the component uses Shadow DOM for rendering, ensuring that the component's styles neither affect nor are affected by external applications.

SDK Directory Structure

├── ai.css        # Stylesheet file
├── ai.js         # Main SDK entry point
├── font/            # Font resources
│   ├── fontello.eot
│   ├── fontello.ttf
│   ├── fontello.woff
│   └── fontello.woff2
└── locales/         # Language packs
    ├── en-US.json
    ├── zh-CN.json

Component API Reference

As shown in the previous example, the Completion component accepts chat data as a parameter. This object represents the HENGSHI conversation round data and can be retrieved via the GET /api/conversations/${conversationId}/chats/${uid} API. For the data structure, refer to chat.

In addition to all the properties of the chat object, the Completion component also accepts the following parameters:

metaSTRINGA combination of strings such as 'refineQuestion', 'answer', 'chart', 'chartSwitcher', 'chartConfig', etc., separated by commas (','), used to customize the display content
disableEllipsisBOOLWhen set to true, tags for answers and data-fetching logic will not be collapsed or truncated
showWhenNoDataBOOLWhether to display the chart component when there is no data, default is false
chartThemeSTRINGDashboard theme ID, refer to Theme Colors
stylesheetsSTRING or STRING ARRAYStylesheet links or stylesheet content for custom styling
localeSTRINGLanguage setting, default is 'zh-CN', supports 'zh-CN', 'en-US', 'zh-TW', 'ja-JP'
onChangeChartTypeFUNCTIONCallback function for switching chart types. When this parameter is provided, an icon button for switching chart types will appear above the chart
parserOBJECTConfiguration options
parser.onSelectFUNCTIONWhen this parameter is provided, a "+" icon button will appear in the top-right corner of the chart. Clicking the button will trigger this function
parser.selectedTextSTRINGThe string will be used as the Tooltip content for the "+" icon button
onReadyFUNCTIONCallback function triggered upon initial rendering


Q: Prompted with "Not logged in," how to resolve it?

A: Refer to the Login Authentication section. You need to complete login authentication before rendering components.

Q: How to customize styles?

A: Since Shadow DOM is used, you need to modify styles by passing parameters through stylesheets. The stylesheets parameter accepts a string or an array of strings and supports both stylesheet links and stylesheet content. For example:

    `.custom-class { color: red; }`,
  ]} />

User Manual for Hengshi Analysis Platform