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Inheriting Datasets

Inheriting datasets refers to inheriting datasets from data packages in the data marketplace. The data marketplace hosts the public foundational data within an organization, providing basic analytical data for various business analysis needs. Therefore, data packages in the data marketplace are generally not customized for specific analysis scenarios; their use is more universal. Business analysis, however, is often conducted for specific scenarios, with targeted data, models, parameters, and metrics, necessitating the processing of foundational data. Hence, the data marketplace has added an inheritance feature, allowing analysts to inherit data packages during application creation.

By inheriting data packages, applications can not only use the datasets and data models from the data packages as they are but also extend the existing data by adding new fields, new metrics, new datasets, and expanding associated models. This allows for targeted extensions to meet the flexible and varied needs of metric analysis.

How to Apply for Data Inheritance

  1. Add a data package in App -> Dataset -> Data Inheritance Management, and select the data package that needs to be inherited from the dataset market.

  2. After adding the data package that needs to be inherited, the status is set to allowed, and a request has been sent to the data package manager.

  3. After the data package manager approves, the status changes to effective. The applicant can view the inherited dataset in the dataset. The inherited dataset is marked, and hovering the mouse will display its parent data package.

  4. The inherited data is successfully added, and the data information in the corresponding data package, including parameters and models, is inherited into the application. Users can perform analysis based on this.

  5. The data analyst has inherited the data package from the dataset market and only wants to inherit and use the datasets or models related to the business. Datasets unrelated to the business are not expected to be inherited and displayed. Version 5.4 already supports the relevant configuration function. Configuration path: Data Inheritance Management > Data Package Three-dot Menu > Set Inherited Dataset.

Notes on Selecting Partial Dataset Inheritance

Data Model:

  1. Selecting the main table dataset of the model for inheritance, the related tables will not be in the dataset list of this application.
  2. The model list only displays datasets visible in this application, and datasets that are not inherited will not be shown in the list.
  3. In the model dataset, if the inherited dataset used by the child table is canceled, clicking on the main table will show the canceled inherited dataset.

Data Lineage:

  1. The data lineage list only displays datasets visible in this application, and datasets that are not inherited will not be shown in the list.
  2. If the canceled inherited dataset is an "affected object", it will be displayed under Data Lineage > Data Model.

Remove Inherited Data Package

When an inherited data package is no longer needed, it can be removed in App -> Dataset -> Data Inheritance Management. Charts created from inherited datasets, derived datasets, parameters, and newly created fields will become unavailable.

When the inherited data package is added again, previously created charts, derived datasets, parameters, and newly created fields can continue to be used.

  1. Inherited data inherits all data from a data package, including datasets, parameters, and data models. It is not possible to inherit only a specific dataset.
  2. Inherited data is in a read-only state. The original content cannot be altered, but new content can be added, including:
    • The original fields, metrics, and parameters of the inherited dataset cannot be deleted, but new fields, metrics, and parameters can be added. The original field groups, metric groups, etc., cannot be modified, but new fields and metrics can be grouped.
    • Inherited datasets do not support enabling public dictionaries or acceleration engines.
    • The modeling relationships of inherited datasets cannot be modified, but new relationships can be added.
  3. Inherited datasets do not support copying, deleting, renaming, replacing datasets, or editing datasets.
  4. Inherited datasets support exporting datasets.
  5. Inherited datasets can derive new datasets, such as Fusion datasets, Aggregate datasets, and Union datasets, and can establish new data models.
  6. When an application contains an inherited dataset, the application (both application creation and application marketplace) does not support exporting templates.
  7. When the inherited data package is deleted, the inherited dataset in the application disappears, and related charts created using the inherited dataset will report errors.
  8. Tenants can inherit data packages shared by the platform. Refer to the method described in this document to apply. After applying, it is necessary to notify the platform to approve the tenant's application.

HENGSHI SENSE Platform User Manual