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Application Filtering

When there are too many published applications, you can filter and find them based on your needs. The system provides a search box and a dropdown list for filtering. The dropdown list categories include: All, Published to Me, My Published, and My Hidden.

Enter keywords in the search box to find applications whose names contain the keywords.

The search box can be used in conjunction with the dropdown list filter. For example, search for applications that I have published and whose names contain "application":


The All category lists all published applications that the current user has permission to view, including My Published, Published to Me, and My Hidden applications.

Under the All category, for applications published to me by other users, the application menu does not have a Hide button.

If other users checked the Export Application Template option when publishing the application, the application menu under the All category includes: Create New Application Using Template and Export Template options.

Published to Me

The Published to Me category contains only applications where the current user was selected as a Viewer in Permission Management.

Only when the current user's role includes Data Viewing can other users select this user during the Permission Management setup process.

If the user's role only includes Data Analysis, other users cannot select them as the target of permission control, so there are no applications in this category.

Under the Published to Me category, the current user can only hide applications, not delete them.

My Published

The My Published category contains all applications published by the current user.

The current user can perform the following actions on the applications:

  1. Permission Management
  2. Settings
  3. Create New Application Using Template
  4. Export Template
  5. Hide
  6. Delete

My Hidden

Users can hide applications published by other users as well as their own. The My Hidden category lists all applications hidden by the current user.

Under the My Hidden category, users can unhide the hidden applications.


The system records the last selection. After performing other operations and returning to the application marketplace page, the page will retain the last selected type.

User Manual for Hengshi Analysis Platform